thuraya xt pro
Important: Thuraya does not offer global coverage so please ensure that the region you wish to use the network in is available on the coverage map. You will be unable: to use any Thuraya equipment including handsets and/or airtime to connect to the network when outside of the Thuraya satellite footprint area. This includes North and South America.
Longest talk-time on any satellite phone With a talk-time of up to 9 hours and a standby time of up to 100 hours the Thuraya XT-PRO enables reliable communications whenever you need it.
Glare resistant Gorilla® glass display Toughened glass for harsh conditions and customized outdoor display for easy readability in direct sunlight, no matter how bright the conditions are.
Dedicated SOS button The XT-PRO has a dedicated SOS button which is easy to use in times of distress. Even when the phone is switched off, simply press and hold the SOS button for 3 seconds. This starts the phone and triggers the emergency service (call and/or SMS) to any pre-programmed number.
The Thuraya XT-PRO enables you to stay connected via satellite mode from anywhere under the coverage area of Thuraya’s satellite network, which extends across more than 160 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. The phone works either with a Thuraya SIM card or with a GSM SIM card from any of the more than 360 Thuraya roaming partners worldwide.
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